Entity Posting API - Distributor Add/Update

We will try to map the DistributorId to our existing master list of distributors. If we cannot find a mapping, we will create it as a new mapping to our "Other" master Distributor. It will be determined offline if this represents a new distributor or a new mapping and all data will be remapped accordingly.

Triggered Updates:

Standard ShowTimeAnalytics Message Parameters:

Fields for Distributor Entity:

PLEASE NOTE: All field and attribute names are case sensitive

Message Structure - XML:

POST https://{{CIRCUIT_URL}}/data/pos/


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ShowTimeAnalytics dataSupplierId="XXX" messageSequence="XXX">
		<Distributor id="XXX">
			<Address id="XXX">

Callback Post Fields:

Message Structure - XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ShowTimeAnalyticsResponse dataSupplierId="XXX" messageSequence="XXX">
        <Response id="XXX" entity="Distributor">