Entity Posting API - Introduction
The ShowTime Analytics API provides near real-time access to your data.
Posting API
Entity Posting
- Customer Add/Update
- Discount Type Add/Update
- Distributor Add/Update
- Event Add/Update
- Fee Type Add/Update
- Sale Device Add/Update
- Sale Location Add/Update
- Performance Add/Update
- Site Add/Update
- Staff Add/Update
- Stock Item Add/Update
- Tax Type Add/Update
- Ticket Type Add/Update
Transaction Posting
- Customer Account Movement
- Order
- Refund
- Stock Level Recorded
- Stock Disposal
- Staff Access
- No Shows (end of day process)
Voucher Creation
To support campaign tracking, web services are required for:
Where new interfaces are required, we have a document which describes the required specification
- Defining new Voucher templates
- Creating an instance of a Voucher template
Where new interfaces are required, we have a document which describes the required specification