Entity Posting API - Performance Add/Update

If the PerformanceId does not exist, a new Performance record will be created. If it does, it will be updated.

NOTE: There are many fields which are required for a Performance but in many integrations, the required data is fed from disperate systems so we allow partial messages to be sent with only available fields and we will merge them to form complete entity. The complete Performance entity should contain the required fields denoted by *

Triggered Updates:

Standard ShowTimeAnalytics Message Parameters:

Fields for Performance Entity:

PLEASE NOTE: All field and attribute names are case sensitive

Message Structure - XML:

POST https://{{CIRCUIT_URL}}/data/pos/


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ShowTimeAnalytics dataSupplierId="XXX" messageSequence="XXX">
		<Performance id="XXX" siteId="XXX">
			<DistributorPercentage precision="XXX">XXX</DistributorPercentage>
			<DistributorRate precision="XXX">XXX</DistributorRate>

Callback Post Fields:

Message Structure - XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ShowTimeAnalyticsResponse dataSupplierId="XXX" messageSequence="XXX">
        <Response id="XXX" siteId="XXX" entity="Performance">