Entity Posting API - Stock Item Add/Update

All non-ticket sales are captured as shop sales. All shop sales are the sale of a particular stock item. These stock items are classified as one of the following types:
Retail, Merchandise, Voucher, Membership, Bar, Restaurant, Donation
If the StockItemID does not exist, a new Stock Item record will be created. If it does, it will be updated.

Triggered Updates:

Standard ShowTimeAnalytics Message Parameters:

Fields for Stock Item Entity:

Stock Items can be modelled at an overall circuit (HQ) level where all sites in the circuit sell the exact same stock items with the exact same IDs or at an individual site level where each site manages their own list of stock items locally. Categorization of stock items can be done in the showtime application. If they cinema circuit maintain their own stock categorisation of stock items in the POS system, the following fields should be passed to represent the same categorization in showtime products.

PLEASE NOTE: All field and attribute names are case sensitive

Message Structure - XML:

POST https://{{CIRCUIT_URL}}/data/pos/


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ShowTimeAnalytics dataSupplierId="XXX" messageSequence="XXX">
		<StockItem id="XXX" siteId="XXX">
			<Category id="XXX">XXX</Category>
			<SubCategory id="XXX">XXX</SubCategory>
			<CostPrice precision="XXX">XXX</CostPrice>
			<SalePrice precision="XXX">XXX</SalePrice>

Callback Post Fields:

Message Structure - XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ShowTimeAnalyticsResponse dataSupplierId="XXX" messageSequence="XXX">
        <Response id="XXX" siteId="XXX" entity="StockItem">